Minggu, 15 Juli 2012

Little Indian

So, in the middle of February i found some interesting accessories. Some unique Traditional-things (from Indian) that i'm puttin' on, with another Traditional-things from Indonesia. Dream Catcher with my only-one Batik-Shirt i ever had (Hell, yeah! XD). Woohoo, but i like the chocolate browny colour on this all-total-look :D.

Exploring UK

Ahhh Lemme taking off my GaGa necklace. GaGa its not so BRITISH >.<
I made first-DIY things for my rubber-case of my vintage blackberry. 

Mistah Crayon-a

Bukan sebuah kuas dengan palette bersimbah cat acrylic. Bukan pula segenggam pensil kayu yang beradu dengan kertas gambar dan karet penghapus. Asal mula Saya begitu mencintai menggambar adalah ketika berteman dengan sekotak oil pastel atau biasa dikenal dengan nama crayon. Dan di asal mula itu pula, Sejujurnya Saya belum begitu menguasai menggambar menggunakan crayon, belum bisa menggoreskan warna-warna hingga menghasilkan gradasi paduan warna yang indah dan menyatu antara warna satu dengan warna yang lain. Hingga di saat duduk di bangku SMP. Saya diketemukan dengan salah seorang teman, melalui dia Saya bisa mencuri ilmu tentang menggambar menggunakan crayon agar menghasilkan gambar yang cukup bagus.

Singkat cerita, dengan bergulirnya waktu hingga kini Saya sudah dua puluh tiga tahun mendaki bumi yang Saya pijak, tiba-tiba ingatan dan keinginan Saya tentang crayon menyeruak masuk ke dalam pikiran Saya lagi. Maklum, mungkin saja pelarian atas penatnya pikiran anak rantau yang dipasung oleh waktu mengikuti ritme kuliah dan bekerja hehe. Dan beginilah jadinya, ketika sedang asyik-asyiknya bergumul dengan teman di salah satu donut shop di salah satu mall di Yogyakarta keinginan itu kembali menggerogoti pikiran Saya, dan alhasil sebelum memutuskan untuk pulang, Saya mampir ke toko buku untuk menukar beberapa lembar duit yang Saya punya dengan satu kotak kecil oil pastel. Hahaha its definitely another therapy to share my emotion to another positive media, i think :D.

Anyway, Saya berasa kembali ke masa kecil (dengan emosi dan kondisi yang berbeda tentunya). Iseng-iseng menggoreskan batang-batang berwarna-warni itu hingga Saya tersadar kalau Saya masih bisa menggambar dengan crayon :D.

Maybe its looks kinda creepy. But that's exactly made me feelin' so fun :D.

The Girl with the red hair. 2012. Crayon on Sketch-paper
Never Let Me Go. 2012. Crayon on Sketch-paper

Embrace the Diversity. 2012. Crayon on Sketch-paper. Inspired by best-mate Natasha Larassanti & Aditya Aryo

Last Man Standing. 2012. Crayon on Sketch-paper

Tryin' Some-New Experimental

A glasses without lens or an lenses without glass?. Just choose one that do you think the best. It's really fun to trying something new (especially for fashion) hehehe. So, maybe it could be a mainstream-things-that-not-exactly-mainstream for me to applied that glasses into my eyes XD.

Time Turning Back..

I'm obsessed (again) with the everything British since the early of 2012.
Ahh...everything British is sooo fun DOOBEEDOOZEE !!!

and thank's god, the winner of America's Next Top Model Cycle 18 (British Invasion) are from UK. The fabulous English Rose, Sophie Sumner

From the music. i got sooo much and a lot brilliant and adorable musician from Brit on my playlist.

The Amazing Baroque-Folk-Indie-Pop and the hottest it Fashion Darling , Florence Welch with her band Florence + Machine
Coldplay with the the amazing hymn of PARADISE and freedom of Charlie Brown
An Timeless-Vintage DURAN DURAN with the famous Ordynary World
KEANE. They new album made my ears wants to hear they previous amazing album

THE BEATLES. Yeah, everybody love beatles. Everybody love this legendary british-band.
And of course the it UK boyband for this decade, One Direction. Aren't they too much cute (than they real appearance) on that chibi-cartoon >.<
And so many many another British Musician beside them.

Talk about fashion?. Of course, British have they original personal style called rebellious yet high-fashion. 


It's been a long long day and month i don't write anything in this my doll house ehe :P.

So, Hello everyone!!.
Maybe its gonna be a massive flooding bla-bla-bla posting for the next couple days, because me feelin' too hungry about everything now (especially food, of course).